Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Tonight, I want to dance with someone else (Part 45)...

Wednesday Weekly White Boy Dance

Well, kids, this is it, after 45 videos spanning...oh who knows how many years, this will be the final Wednesday Weekly White Boy Dance. I want to thank Stephen at for making and posting these. He sure is cute, and I'll continue to watch them when he posts new ones, but I'll not be post them here anymore.

Thanks Stephen, it's been fun.

POLT Listening to "Bang Bang" by Nancy Sinatra

I find the blonde kid already waiting: a somber Aryan clone, barely out of this teens, puppy fat still sleek and pink over his football-ready mass of cultivated muscle. - Gemma Files

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish he would take off more than his shoes. :)
