Friday, August 29, 2008

Vanished, gone, would sarah, would she survive...

Sarah WHO????


McSame picks Sarah Palin??? Governor of Alaska??? What the HELL is he thinking????

She's two years younger than Obama, so that negates any attacks McSame would have had on Obama's age. She was a city mayor for 6 years and then governor of Alaska for two years and that's IT, so that negates any attacks McSame could have used on Obama about his lack of experience or foreign policy know-how.

Do we really want a 44 year old who's only been in a state-wide office for two years to be a heartbeat away from a president who's 72 years old today and who'd had cancer twice before? I would not have liked, but I would have understood why he would have picked Romney (to help with Michigan), Pawlenty (to help with Minnesota), Ridge (to help with Pennsylvania), Huckabee ( to help with the far right wingnuts), or even Lieberman (to help with independents). But this choice???? My GOD, what is McSame thinking? This boggles my mind completely.

Also makes me laugh out loud. I swear, if I was going to pick a running mate for McSame, I doubt I could have come with one any more pleasing to me that Mrs. Palin. Course, I guess this DOES remove Alaska from the battleground column, McSame's made sure he gets those three electoral votes!

Know I have to wonder...does McSame even want to win this thing?????

POLT Listening to "That's Not My Name" by the Ting Tings

The less you talk, the more you're listened to. - Abigail Van Buren


Bunny said...

She's an extremely conservative Christian (Assemblies of God member, moose-hunter, NRA poster girl, hubby is a blue-collar guy) which will help with the far right wingers, but also a chick which helps balance the "political correct" factor of having a black man on the Dem ticket.

I think her looks (runner up for Miss Alaska 20+ yrs ago) might hurt her. People have a hard time taking an attractive woman seriously.

lime said...

he picked her because having a woman vp will assure that whoever wins this it's guaranteed to be a historic thing. that way in addition to what bunny said he can steal some of the "historic first" thunder that obama is causing. that's how i figure it anyway.

Anonymous said...

All the pundits were way off on this, making me yet again wonder what good they are. He's sure to siphon off some foaming at the mouth Hillary fanaticals, but I thought this was a weird choice also.

At first glance I like her, but I could never get behind any ultra conservative candidate.

Anonymous said...

My first thought was, "Damn, she's hot." Then immediately after: "Hmm, that's probably not the response the GOP's really looking for..."

Initially I think it's a poor choice. She rounds out the appeal to voters (somewhat), but doesn't round out where McCain is weak. Obama sought a VP that filled his gaps where he was weak rather than pandering to his constituency and filling his voter gaps. McCain just filled his voter gaps (conservative Christians, gun owners, old men who haven't had sex for a while, etc.), but completely ignored his need to find someone that fully rounded out his weak areas (like economy).

I have a feeling there's a lot of pissed Republicans right now...

Anonymous said...

All good points. The only reason to pick a woman at this point is to hopefully get the independent vote.


Anonymous said...

I think since certain parties keep talking about drilling for oil in Alaska. This choice make sense.

I don't her being a woman has anything to do with the whole plan.

Just my thought
