Sunday, August 03, 2008

I fed your dog while you were on vacation...

Yesterday, Mom left for the beach. She went with her mother, her sister, her sister's husband, their son and daughter, their girlfriend and boyfriend/fiance, and the son's daughter. They were all going to stay in one three room suite. With one bathroom. Mom said no way, she got her own effiency on the first floor of the hotel and would be staying there.

Her brother and his wife are down there as well. They'll be returning home Tuesday and mom will come with them while the rest of the clan stays until next Saturday.

I love my family...some more than others. And this particular branch of the family, I don't mind hanging out with occasionally. Like at Christmas, and Easter, and Thanksgiving, and weddings and funerals and such. But only for like a few hours at a time. To spend four days with them....that would be torture for me, I think. Thankfully, I wasn't included in the planning for the trip.

But since I'm staying here, I have to take care of mom's dog Angel aka The Poopinator. Mom made up a schedule: The Poopinator will have to be let out to do her business at 7:00am, noon, 5:00pm and 10:00pm. I'm to do it all, except when I'm at work, when the neighbor lady will take care of it. Nonetheless, I get EVERY morning and every evening. And we all know how much I HATE mornings.

Nonetheless, somehow, this morning at 6:45, I got my ass up outta bed, and got dressed and got over there and let her out by 7:00. Afterwards, I went to McDonald's to get some breakfast, and I brought it back there and ate it there. Then I read the paper with Angel sitting on my lap.

I spent also a good portion of the morning, say 8:30 or so to 11:30 sleeping in mom's bed with Angel in with me. And since it was almost noon, I just took her out again. That's one way to not mess up her schedule.

She's been doing well. Last night when I was over there for a few hours, she did set on the back of the sofa and look out the window for about a half hour, I assume, looking for mom to come back. But today, I was over twice, and she did fine. And she's not peed nor pooped inside as she has done before. And she has eaten, which before she sometimes refused to do for the first day or two. So it looks like, hopefully, this will be an Angel-drama-free vacation for mom.

POLT Listening to "Tear" by Smashing Pumpkins

Every straight guy should have a man's tongue in his mouth at least once. - Madonna

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your mom has a firm grasp on the dog digestive and urinary habits.

Most people don't know, give a dog water and an hour and a half later they have to go out and pee.

Food takes from 6 to 8 hours to process through.

And dogs are relatively stupid creatures, in that if you show them one way to relieve themselves they'll always use that way. Leave them paper in the house when they're used to going outside means they'll shit and piss everywhere EXCEPT the paper because they can't keep two possibilities open.