Tuesday, August 26, 2008

He's goin' to hollywood, he's bussin' it...

The "Hollywood Types" support Obama, and somehow, that's wrong. The far right wingnuts mock the Hollywood people that support him. I wonder what they have to say about this:

As Democrats celebrate in Denver this week, Republican presumptive presidential nominee Sen. John McCain will be trying to fire up some star power of his own by collecting checks and support from conservatives in Hollywood.
Mr. McCain will attend a fundraiser at the Beverly Hilton on Monday, the day the Democrats' convention opens,bringing together top leaders from the Los Angeles business and entertainment communities, according to an invitation for the event obtained by The Washington Times.
Show business publication Variety reported that Angie Harmon, David Zucker, Jon Cryer, Lionel Chetwynd, Craig T. Nelson, Jon Voight, Craig Haffner and Robert Duvall are among those expected to attend.

So, where are the right winnuts complaining about this? Why was there never any outcry from them over the support of Republicans Arnold Swartzenegger, Bruce Willis, Charlton Heston, Clint Eastwood, Cheryl Tieg, etc, etc, etc.

Maybe it has less to do with the "Hollywood" types supports and more to do with whom the "Hollywood" types are supporting: you back the right wingnut candidate, it's okay, you back the other guy, it's mock-worthy.

Yet MORE Republican hypocracy.

POLT Listening to "Train" by Goldfrapp

If nudity offends you, take that mirror out of your bathroom. - Billy, Tottyworld

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Won't hear a peep, I'm sure. And heaven forbid the networks point that out, you'd hear cries of "Biased Left Wing Media" all over the place.