Wednesday, November 09, 2005

And call me tumblin dice...

Yes, I AM enough of a geek to take this test...

I am a d4

Take the quiz at dicepool.comYou are a four-sided die, a d4. Otherwise known as a tetrahedron, a "Caltrop", or (to a lesser degree) "Ol' Pointy". This crap bores you, so I'll get to the point. Others tend to see you as petty, conniving, manipulative, argumentative, defensive, greedy, and needlessly antagonistic. You see yourself as focused, effective, efficient, influencing, shrewd, tactical, and direct. Both points of view are in fact correct. You always know the best way to get things done, a fact that never wins sympathy with others. Whenever you manage to gain control of a situation, your solutions are swift and brutal. Unfortunately everyone else is convinced that granting you such power is, "a bad thing" and often conspire to keep it out of your hands. Such short-sighted fools!

Hmm, I don't know, this makes me sound tyrannical, and while I can be tyrannical at times, I would expect the outcome of this to be more...chaotic than anything. If anyone else takes this, let me know how it came out, myabe the problem is with the test itself. (4 sided inDEED!)

POLT = listening to "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" by Moby

Trend chase. Booze hound. Fashion whore. DAMN RIGHT! - Absolutely Fabulous


m_o_o_nspells said...

I was a D20...apparently, it just tells you that you are whatever you answer that you'd like to be...very accomodating! My favourite part was the "disclaimer" at the bottom:
"This survey is completely scientific. Despite the mind-boggling complexity of mankind, the billions of distinctly different personalities found on Earth can easily be divided into seven simple categories that correspond to the five Platonic solids, a pseudo polyhedron, and whatever the hell a d100 is. The results of this quiz should be considered not only meaningful but also infallible, and pertinent to your success as a fully realized individual. If you feel the results of this examination do not match your perceived personality, you should take whatever drastic measures are needed to cram your superego back into proper alignment, as described by the quiz results.

And if you believe that, we have some really great critical-hit insurance to sell you."

Clever! :o)

Anonymous said...

Of course I can't pass up a polyhedral dice test. Here's what I got:

"You are a good old-fashioned six-sided cube, otherwise known as a d6. Others know you to be plain, predictable, conservative, average, ordinary, and downright boring. You prefer to describe yourself as dependable, honest, practical and trustworthy. People usually know what to expect from you, since you rarely hold any surprises. You hate to make decisions, and if forced to decide, you'll always fall back on how it was done in the past. You always order the same thing at your favorite restaurant, and your jokes, while funny, are never too offensive. It seems that you are well liked, but maybe that's simply because there's nothing to hate."

Unfortunately I think m_o_o_nspells is wrong. When the quiz asked me what die I wanted to be I said d20 but ended up as a d6 instead. At least mine came up fairly acccurate I guess...