Tuesday, November 22, 2005

It's big pimpin, spendin G's....

Your Pimp Name Is...
Dr. Love

Oh YEAH!! Dr. Love! When you say it, you just gotta stretch it out, like Doooooooooctor Love! I'm think Dr. Love belongs in teh Stinky Ninjas and not the Brazilian guy, eh? Hell, Dr. Love even sounds like a better superhero name than the Duke Rat...whatever the hell THAT is...
Ewwww, what a horrid picture too! I've always hated the Tom Selleck, bushy moustacha type. yuck.
POLT = listening to "The Rockefeller Shank" by Fatboy Slim
The simple and direct died simple and direct deaths, only the devious and elusive endure. - Lasombra

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