Thursday, November 24, 2005

You know you are mad, turkey...

To all my readers, HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY!
For my Canadian readers, who had Thanksgiving back in October (oh, you crazy Canucks),, well Thursday.

Also, yesterday was the 6 month anniversary of the start of Polt's Palace! Whoo-Hoo! 2600 visits and somthing like 365 posts in 6 months, that's a good ratio, dontcha think?

Anyway, I gotta go now, get ready for lunch. And in the afternoon, I've got everything set up to watch Dallas play, and hopefully win. So if I post again, it won't be until later tonight.

Nonetheless, everyone have a great day, whether your'e celebrated a holiday or not!

POLT = listening to "Wonder" by Natalie Merchant

What faces, what muscle, what manhood! Our young servicemen. - Mary Clement Ames, 1873

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