Sunday, November 27, 2005

Should I stay or should I go...

Okay, finally got 10 votes in the blogpoll and the results of Your Favorite Color blogpoll is:

Purple - 3
Blue - 2
Black - 1
Green - 1
Orange - 1
Yellow - 1
Other - 1
Red -0
White - 0

And so it's time for a new one. Johnnie came by this weekend and was almost in tears. (Okay, not really, but it makes the story sound better if I say he was). He said he wasn't sure if he should continue with Testicular Tuesdays. he says he never gets any comments on them. I pointed out to him that there's a lot of posts I don't get any comments on myself. He said he's not sure what to write each week (I didn't bring up that he had missed two week's columns, nor that we've had Testicular Tuesdays on Wednesday a few need to kick a man when he's down). He's just not sure if he should.

So I thought, hell,. I'll throw it open to the readers: you want Testicular Tuesdays to continue or not? or don't you know? Or don't you care? Now is that time to have your opinion heard (unless of course you apathy extends beyond just his column and you don't care to vote at all...but I digress...)

POLT = listening to the halftime show of the Redskins/Chargers game

I want to be a great writer but I can't think of anything great to write. - Wendel Trupstock, Wendel

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