Tuesday, November 01, 2005

They say you better listen to the voice of reason...

So, i've got a few more comments to respond to (not that any of them are the voice of reason or anything...I'm simply running out of quote for this type of post.)

Firstly, we have a comment from my Fairy Godfather, Mark, who writes:

I've never much been into baseball. Buffalo playing a triple header?? I thought they stopped those in the 60's. I bet those guys will be snoring in the pits.

This is in response to something I wrote that read, roughly, "Buffalo lose3 this evening". See this is bound to happen when keyboard manufacturers put the "3" key right above the "e" key, and then allow people with fat fingers that type very quickly (but not really accurately) to use said keyboard. So it's all Hewlett/Packard's fault that I have so many misspellings.

yeah, sure.
Then, Johnnie writes:


Oh how about them? They beat Tampa Bay, its' not like they defeated Indianapolis, or New England, or hell, even the Cowboys. :) And whats the big deal with them doing someting right, finally, I mean even a broken clock is still right twice a day.

But I'd rather comment on the...ahem, faith (?) you had in them. Such faith that you didn't even pick them to win.....sad, a true fan would never desert their team over a lousy buck.

Oh, and then, Johnnie writes again:

"true reading afficiandos understand you need to own the book to fully enjoy it."I didn't know you were a fan of the ownership society.

Um, I'm not sure what this "ownership society" is, who belongs to it, or what they actually own, so I don't know that I'm a fan of it. I could be, I just don't know enough about it. Does it involve owning pornos? comic books? photos of twinkie boys with hairthings in compromising positions? If so, I very may want to be a member...

POLT = listening to "Creep" by Radiohead

When cooking, under no circumstances, use roadkill as an ingredient. - Ziggy Zen

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